216 Main Street, York Springs, PA 17372
717.528.4393 office@yorkspringslutheran.org
Grow in faith,
live in hope,
serve with love.
The church office is located in our Parish House next door to the church. Office hours are Tuesday - Thursday,
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Communion kits for our online worshippers are available by contacting the church office.
mailing address: PO Box 242
York Springs, PA 17372
(717) 528-4393
Rev. Dr. Chris Suehr,
our pastor

Congregational Leadership
Brenda Leach - Organist
Jane Johnston - Choir Director
Mike McHugh - Office Secretary
Linda Menges - Treasurer
Congregational Council:
Pete Johnston - Congregational Council President
Doug Knight - Congregational Council V.P.
Angela Pasquini - Council Secretary
Jan Aeplli
Lori Kennedy
Cynthia Reinecker
Nancy Wennberg
Judy Wolfe
The Council usually meets the second
Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
Only contact the webmaster regarding website issues;
otherwise use the given links for the pastor or office.
Background photo by Leer Photography