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When we open our hearts to God's love;  we open our hands to serve and help others.  Here you will find a few ways to do just that! 

Contact the church if you need more information.

Clothing pantry:  
Donate gently used clothing (casual / children's / men's are most needed).
     New socks and children's underwear are always appreciated (no used,             please).  Donations may be placed in the collection shed behind the                 Community Corner.
Volunteer to sort and restock shelves.
Assist in serving customers on days the pantry is open.
     Contact Pam Monnier (717.425.4422) or the church office
     for information about times to help.


Donate gently used books for the annual Book Fair or the Little Library;  children's books are especially appreciated.   Books may be donated by placing them in the Little Library, or on the porch of the Parish House if too many for the library.

Hats, Blankets, Prayer Shawls:

St. Mark's prayer shawl and blanket ministry is supported by members of Holy Trinity.  If you'd like to help, please contact our church or ask for a message to be given to Lynn at St. Mark's at 717.334.2313


Non-perishable food may be placed in the cabinet on the Parish House porch anytime for those who are food deficient in our community.  There is also a container in the Fellowship Hall for donations.  Especially needed are foods that children will eat.

Pile of Folded Knits

            5th Sunday Donations

Special donations will be collected on the 5th Sunday of the month (there are usually 4 such Sundays annually).  Our next donation will be March 30. Suggestions for future donations should be made to Ruthann Black.

Financial Support:

Our dollars go to support our local ministries, Lutheran World Relief, funding disaster relief, campus ministries, the campaign against malaria, and more.  Contributions are tax-deductible and may be made made by E-offering (copy link or use Q-code), Paypal (use link), direct deposit, cash, or check.




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Dollar Bills

SpiriTrust Lutheran The Village at Gettsyburg needs Sunday morning volunteers to help transport residents in wheelchairs to and from the 10:00 worship service in the Fellowship Room. Volunteers are needed from 9:30-11:15 once per month. Interested? Please contact Jess Sheahan 717-334-6204 or

Contribute via Paypal:

Donations may also be mailed to the church at:   P.O. Box 242,

                 York Springs, PA 17372

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