216 Main Street, York Springs, PA 17372
717.528.4393 office@yorkspringslutheran.org
Grow in faith,
live in hope,
serve with love.

Advent and Christmas at Holy Trinity:
Sharing food with our neighbors in need,
sharing socks and undies through our Clothing Pantry, supporting our community's decorating and tree lighting, praising God with music, ...!


Volunteers went to United Way, picked up food from Bag the Bounty, and delivered it to church where it was sorted. These bags, boxes, and cans of food will be shared in our Christmas boxes as well as in the food pantry at our Parish House.

Using a 5th Sunday special offering, hundreds of cans of fruits and vegetables
as well as a few other food items were purchased for our food pantry. Again, our volunteers stepped up to purchase, transport, unload, and organize. We are blessed to be able to care for the food deficient in our community!

Our annual book fair gave out over 550 free books! Thanks to the volunteers who helped provide the books, set them up, and then box up the leftovers for next year's fair! Also appreciated were the financial donations that will go to providing children's socks and underwear for our clothing pantry!

Pastor Chris gave his his Sermon on the Steps (and no "adult sermon"), and led the blessing of the backpacks for students, teachers, and school staff. The school kits for Lutheran World Relief
were also blessed as they will soon be on their way to those in need. On August 17th, the youth assembled 40 backpacks; then donations came in for an additional 10 kits, bringing our 2024 total to 50!
Many of our youth led the worship service with songs and readings.

Beau Robert becomes the newest member of Christ's family as he is baptized!
Our Holy Trinity choir director and a few congregation members are part of the group who went to Normandy, France (and Paris, too!) to present concerts commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day! We are so blessed to have them sing praises here in our choir as well!

Photos are courtesy of WGAL Channel 8 television during their interview prior to the chorus' departure, June 3.

Our Walk for Water team raised more money for the water mission than other groups, despite our small size. Thanks to our walkers and donors for this important mission to proved accessible, clean water to people around the globe!

Once again our Property Committee and volunteers helped raise money with great BBQ chicken dinners on
Memorial Day!

For the Fire & Slime event, this year it was a bit too snowy to have the fire for the burning of last year's palms, but the slime making was a success!


Fun at Magic Elm with
families and youth!

With many thanks to those who helped dig the church out of the snow (Jeremiah, Cynthia, Andrew, Conner, Penny), the younger helpers shared a message during the work!

Fields of Adventure!
Members of all ages enjoyed
the beautiful weather
(and no one was left in the corn maze!)

Pastor Chris presented his doctoral research at a conference on
“Psychology of Religion and Spirituality”
at the University of Gdansk, Poland,
in September.

After a day and night of fun, activities, and planning,
our youth led the Sunday morning worship service with readings, songs, and Christ-infused energy!

With a special thanks to Ann McHugh
(and to Mike for helping to deliver them), we had 16 Baby Kits
to send to families in need!